Give Feedback

1. Approximately how many students in your class participated in the
e-SMARTkids program?

2. Approximately how many classroom hours did students spend on the program?


3. How did students use the materials? (Check all that apply)


4. Having used the program, do you think your students will use energy more safely and responsibly?


5. Did students take the program materials home?


6. Did students who took the materials home share the messages with parents and/or siblings?    


7. Please rate the program materials on the following:

  Poor Fair Good Very
Holding students’ attention
Ease of implementing into curriculum
Helpfulness of teacher’s guide
Students’ understanding of key messages
Overall value of materials

8. How important is it to you that the program materials support your state education standards?

Doesn’t Matter Slightly Important Somewhat Important Very Important Critically Important

9. Overall, how would you rate the e-SMARTkids program?

Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent

10. How likely are you to participate in this program again next year?

Very Unlikely Somewhat Unlikely Not Sure Somewhat Likely Very Likely

11. Please provide the following information:

12. May we contact you to learn more about your opinions of these materials?
If so, please provide contact information:

13. What is your overall opinion of Duke Energy?

Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent

14. How can we improve this program?


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