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Southern California Edison
Tips of the Trade
Overhead and Underground Safety Practices
SCE's COVID-19 Response
FALL 2020—Resources may have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. You can help prevent delays by pre-marking your proposed dig area in white and notifying 811 of your planned excavation with as much lead time as possible (up to 14 calendar days in California).
To learn more about SCE's response to COVID-19, click here.

Review these tips with coworkers at your tailgate or toolbox meetings before work begins. This will help to avoid potential hazards when working near overhead and underground power lines.

Look Up and Look Out
Look Up and Look Out


Carefully examine the site for overhead power lines, poles, and guy wires, and point them out to coworkers. Look carefully for lines that may be masked by foliage or otherwise blocked from view.


Consider all overhead power lines to be energized and potentially dangerous. Injuries or death may result from contact with any power line, even the service lines that run from utility poles to buildings.


Mark a safety boundary to keep workers, tools, and equipment a safe distance away—at least 10 feet—from power lines up to 50,000 volts. As voltage increases, clearance distances also increase. Call Southern California Edison (SCE) at 1-800-611-1911 for specific safety clearance requirements.


Designate a spotter whose only job is to make sure your equipment maintains the mandatory safety clearances.

Dig Safely
Dig Safely


Notify 811 before you dig. If the job involves digging or moving earth in any way—such as digging foundations, setting postholes, or removing tree stumps—be sure to notify 811 before starting your excavation. Dial 811 or use the free DigAlert online app. Then wait two working days (NOT including the date of notification, weekends, or legal holidays) for underground power lines and other utilities to be located and marked, so you can dig a safe distance away from them.


Hand dig to verify marked lines. Colored flags and paint marks show you the approximate location of utility lines, but not how deep they are buried. Before you can safely work near a buried line, you must first hand dig to expose the line and verify its exact location and depth.


Respect the marks, and dig with care. For your safety, do not use power-digging equipment within 2 feet of either side of marked utility lines. Hand dig with a rounded shovel, using a gentle prying motion to break away soil as you approach the utility from the side.

Would You Like to Know More?

More electrical safety tips, case studies, instructional videos, and training tools can all be found, at no charge to you, at

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Call 811 before you dig
In an Electrical Emergency, Call 911

For questions about working near power lines or to report an electrical safety hazard, call SCE at 1-800-611-1911.

Never Approach Anyone or Anything Touching a Downed Wire
Stay Away, Call 911
Learn More
For more contractor safety information, visit
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